The Fray

Dead Wrong lyrics

If only I knew what I know
I'd make it a point to say so
To everyone that got me here
And everyone that made it

Clear I was dead wrong all along
You said it for my sake
That I would not lose my way
When I was astray ...

I'm doing the best that I could.
Trying my best to be understood
Maybe I'm changing slowly
I get out, turn around if only I...

Knew I was dead wrong all along
You said it for my sake
That I would not lose my way
When I was dead wrong all along

Mine is not a new story
Mine is not a new story
Mine is nothing new
But it is for me

So I was dead wrong all along
You said it for my sake
I don't, would not, lose my way...
When I was dead wrong all along
You said it for my sake
That I would not lose my way
Did I really lose my way?
Or are you afraid?

 The Fray
in Album
How To Save A Life
Released in 2005

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