
Strange Room lyrics

A pint set on the piano
By the open window
Your arm around my shoulder
One song after another.

A church to praise the good times
And shelter from the bad times
And when our run came to an end
Felt like I lost my best friend.

For a moment I was dreaming
We were just beginning
Thought finally I've come home
Finally I've come home.

Officer, let me explain
I lost something I love today
Yeah I know what it looks like
A rich kid with a good life.

I know you're too young to
Have done things you can't undo
To rake over your dreams and
Know this is what they've come to.

I woke up in a strange room
Time to start again now
No one to help you find a way through
You're just meant to guess it somehow.

For a moment I was dreaming
We were just beginning
Thought finally I've come home
Finally I've come home.

in Album
Cause And Effect
Released in 2019

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